Monday, 1 July 2019

Rape Analysis

There was an issue of rape between a pastor and an ex member of his church and it's a pity that most adults don't even understand how dangerous the issue is, some are calling her an attention seeker and I'm like this lady is married to a popular musician,  she doesn't need this kind of popularity.

Some are saying why hasn't she moved on, I reply, even Doctors can never tell you how to react to an injection,  who are you to tell someone how to heal from something you know nothing about?

Not all rape victims scream and fight especially when it comes from a familiar person and not everyone confronts the rapist and few that does hardly do it immediately and on honest truth is that healing doesn't start until you confront the rapist.

People react differently to rape, some choose suicide and some choose to kill their attackers.

In all, let's be compassionate about other people's pain and encourage them!