Thursday 9 January 2014

Tunisian prime minister steps down to pave way to full democracy

 Tunisian prime minister steps down to pave way to full democracy

Tunisia’s Islamist Prime Minister Ali Larayedh has announced his resignation. It is one of the final stages in creating the path to full democracy in the north African nation.
A caretaker administration, which the government agreed in a deal with the opposition, will now lead Tunisia until elections later this year. The ballot will be organised by an electoral commission. The ruling Ennahda party had agreed to hand over power once that was settled.

But protests on the streets were also instrumental in Ali Larayedh stepping aside he told the nation in a televised address. New taxes are at the core of the fresh demonstrations.
In the Tataouine governate in the south of the country, anger has been simmering over living conditions and the failure of the government to improve them.
Throughout the unrest the National Assembly has been voting on a new constitution.
Despite the Islamist Ennahda Party holding a 40 percent majority there will be articles which do not enshrine Sharia Law including one to recognise men and women as “equal”.
It is hoped it will be agreed before January 14, the third anniversary of the Arab Spring uprising.

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