Saturday 21 December 2013

How to boost your sperm count....

Many marriages are facing the problem of low sperm count without knowing it while some people that know about this doesn't know how to treat it , they are ashamed of seeing a physician about it...
Low sperm counts doesn't necessarily mean that you can't impregnate a woman, you can but your baby might not be normal or in good health because you are not healthy, a healthy sperm means a healthy man...
It's very wise to visit a physician just for a routine check-ups even when you feel you are not sick, So many people have been saved from untimely death by this routine check-ups but people neglect it especially men which is very bad...

In Africa, whenever there's fertility issue, women take the heat which is not always their fault. Some people goes as far as taking a new wife which is very wrong, what if your wife takes a new husband, how will you feel, Just the same way rumor has it that a popular Nigerian politician has this problem, instead of addressing the issue, he kept on changing women, he has married and divorced many times ...

Brothers trying your luck with different women isn't the right thing to do, a married woman without a child of hers, is already in stress mode , don't add to her trauma by going out, sought yourselves out that's why marriage is for better and for worst...

Low sperm count is not a dead warrant, it can be treated, It's not as bad as it sound, for me it's better than malaria, it's not something to be ashamed or scared of.... Let's look at the causes and possible ways of handling it....But Note that Seeing your Physician is the best....

                                   Some of the Causes Of Low Sperm Count
A varicocele is an swollen, varicose vein located in the scrotum. It is not uncommon for men to have a varicocele and roughly 15% of men have one. These swollen veins can affect how the sperm are able to be released from the testicles. If a varicocele is affecting fertility, it may be corrected surgically or the couple may opt for intrauterine insemination to get pregnant, which injects the sperm directly into the uterus, bypassing the vaginal canal.

Heat exposure
The testicles are outside of the body in order to keep the testicles cool to protect sperm from dying from the heat. Men who expose their scrotum to heat may have a lower sperm count than men that don't. Taking hot baths, using a hot tub, placing laptop computers on the lap or keeping the groin too warm just from clothing can negatively impact sperm count.

 Retrograde ejaculation
In some cases, a man with a low sperm count may suffer from something known as retrograde ejaculation. Retrograde ejaculation occurs when semen doesn't follow the usual course and eject out of the urethra, but instead, enters the bladder during orgasm. Retrograde ejaculation may be a symptom of a much more serious problem, such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or may be the result of a spinal injury or surgery on the bladder, prostrate or urethra. In some cases, retrograde ejaculation may even be a side effect of certain medications.

Illness and infection
In women, suffering from an illness or infection can delay or prevent ovulation. Men's bodies work similarly. If a man is suffering from an illness or infection, it could potentially lower his sperm count until he regains his health.

 Use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco
The use of illicit drugs, alcohol and tobacco products may decrease a man's sperm count. The use of tobacco is especially concerning and could dramatically decrease the number of healthy sperm in a man's ejaculate. For couples who are trying to conceive, it is best to give up smoking as well as alcohol and drug consumption while trying to conceive.

                                                         Possible Solutions 
Make these fruits a daily affair in your life and within one month, you will be singing a new song...
Asparagus - That little green vegetable that gets so much flack for what it does to the smell of your urine actually has some fantastic powers over sperm.  The ridiculously high amount of Vitamin C prevents sperm from oxidizing, and it protects the cells of the testicles.  Additionally, Vitamin C decreases free radicals so your man’s body can focus on producing sperm instead of fighting off disease.

Avocado - Summer is the perfect time to pick up some yummy avocados for guacamole… and a hot night at home.  Packed with vitamin E, vitamin B6, and folic acid, avocados boost sperm motility and give it the strength to penetrate an egg.

Bananas - Upon reading that this fruit can help your guy out, we had some giggly flashbacks to Drew Barrymore putting a condom on a banana in Never Been Kissed.  Phallic shape aside, there are some awesome things going on in bananas to help increase sperm count.  Bananas have a rare enzyme in them called Bromelain, which has been shown to regulate sex hormones.  There’s also a good amount of vitamin B1, vitamin A, and vitamin C which will help increase his stamina and boost his body’s ability to make sperm.

Beef - This was a little surprising to us given that doctors are constantly saying to lay off red meat if you want a healthy heart.  Lean beef, though, is a fantastic source of zinc.  A little research on the Dr. Oz site told us that zinc has protective properties that keep free radicals from getting at your man’s little swimmers.  In fact, zinc goes even further to prevent testosterone from converting to estrogen, which is the culprit of a low sex drive.

Dark Chocolate - There’s no sexier food to bring into the bedroom than dark chocolate, but now, it’s not just the seductive taste you’ll want it for.  Dark chocolate contains L-Arginine HCL, an amino acid related to the arginine in walnuts.  It also doubles your guy’s sperm count and semen volume.  Men who eat a little dark chocolate everyday have also noted that they have stronger and more intense orgasms.  BONUS: it does that for you, too.  *wink*

Garlic - Along the same lines as ginseng, garlic possesses the power to increase blood flow.  The chemical allicin not only helps keep plaque from building up in the arteries, it also improves the flow of blood to the genitals and boosts the strength and endurance of the sperm.  Garlic also contains selenium and vitamin B6 to prevent sperm damage and regulate hormones.

Ginseng - Dr. Oz recommends ginseng for guys who are dealing with less than impressive bedroom scenarios, but a little more online research tells us that men in Asia have been supplementing ginseng into their diets for centuries because it improves virility.  In fact, ginseng increases libido, sexual performance, and aids in blood flow to the testicles.  In a study at Southern Illinois University, 45 men with erectile dysfunction were put on a ginseng regimen, and at 16 weeks, 60% of those men reported having stronger erections.

Oysters - The fact that oysters are an aphrodisiac was first presented to me in the form of Sex in the City.  The process of feeding to each other and sucking down the slimy little things really gets people going.  Did you know they also have sperm count increasing benefits?  A good portion of a sperm cell is composed of zinc, which oysters are relatively high in.  Eating oysters can not only increase sperm production but it can aid in the repair of damaged sperm.

Pomegranate - This is the most super of all super foods.  It seems like it can truly cure whatever ails you from the common cold to low sperm count.  Because of the intense cocktail of antioxidants in pomegranates, the juice can lower a chemical in the blood called malondialidehyde.  That chemical destroys sperm, so drinking pomegranate juice is like putting a super hero cape on all those sperm so they can destroy the evil free radicals and get to the egg just in time.

Walnuts - In high school, we were given a comparison between the size of a walnut and a testicle.  Strangely enough, size is not the only link between them.  Walnuts contain arganine, which helps the testicles to increase sperm production and also aids in semen volume increase.  It also contains Omega-3 fatty acids which improve the blood flow to the penis.  These nuts also have twice the antioxidant power over other nuts so they do a great job of protecting the little guys, too.  BONUS: eating 7 walnuts a day lowers cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.

Cucumber and Carrot- a mixture of these two on a daily basis for just one week will surprise you...

I await your testimonies @

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