Wednesday 18 December 2013


The delectable Aneke twins (Chidiebere and Chidinma) are possibly the only known twins that act in Nollywood. From Nkanu, Enugu State, the graduates of the popular Institute of Management and Technology (IMT, Enugu) shared some of their secrets with YES International!’s GBENGA SHABA…
For the Aneke Twins, tell us how it all started.
 It all started in 1999, at the Presidential Hotel, Enugu. Chiege Alisigwe’s family invited us to come, through my elder sister, Favour Aneke. We were to participate in the audition of Ibuka. We performed well and we were given the role of  Uncle Pete Edochie’s children. That was how it all started. We left shortly after this movie to complete our studies between 2003/2004. Then we came back after school and
since then we have been in the industry.

From 1999 till now, how far have you fared?
 Since then, God has been so faithful to us. We have been enjoying His free blessings.

Who and what gave you the greatest encouragement when you were starting out?
 It’s definitely God Almighty. He has been sustaining us from our childhood.

What do you love about your job?
 Being able to reach out to our fans and always wanting to give more to them are really things of joy to us and we have cultivated it to be our passion.

You produced a movie on NYSC, tell us more about it.
 YES! When I did my NYSC, I found out that most Youth corps members do not get to their places of primary assignments. Some indulge in kidnapping, armed robbery, cyber crime and prostitution. Leaving what they are sent to those states to do. One of the reasons for NYSC is to inculcate discipline in the Nigerian youths by instilling in them a tradition of industry and patriotic and loyal service in any situation they may find themselves. Also through community development. Most of them don’t know the reason for the NYSC. Every year we have three batches of students going for service and they still make the same mistake. So, from our research, we also found out that all these anomalies come from our orientation at home. Parents are too busy chasing life’s goodies to pay attention to the upbringing of their children. They don’t care to ask who really is my maid, what does my kids do behind my back, who writes the exam results they bring home, who buys the expensive handset they use and so on. The movie is an eye opener to our parents so as to take pre-caution and train their children very well and also for the students going to serve to also know the aim of NYSC and follow it.

Tell us something that most people don’t know about the Aneke twins.
 We are down to earth. Loving people. Fun to be with. Like giving and helping people. We like appreciating people. We respect people and finally, we love God and everything about Him.

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
 Hmmm! The craziest? It would be the pranks we played on our father because he couldn’t differentiate us. I will pretend to be Chidinma and she likewise. We used to do it severally at home. Playing pranks.

What’s the worst moment of your life?
 That was when we lost our dad in 2008. Life became very difficult for us. We went into petty trading. We sold pure water, bread and akara. We hawked on the streets just to survive. It was indeed a very sad moment for us.

What is your definition of love?
 The purpose behind God’s creation of man is to be loved. 1st John, chapter 4 verse 8 says, “God is love”. It means that God doesn’t just give or show love, He is love. He desires to share His love with us because love is an essential quality. In Genesis chapter 1 verse 26, when God said “let us make man in our image, in our likeness”, He was saying let us make someone to love and call that creature man. God wanted man to be the object of His love and that is why He made man in His our image and likeness. Love is also giving and sharing

Is it true that both of you are planning to also marry twin brothers?
 It is not true, but it is our prayer. God’s will, will be done in our lives because His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts higher than ours!

So, why have you decided to remain single despite your stunning beauty?
 It is written in the Bible that “He that findeth a wife findeth a good thing”, not she that findeth a man. So, it is he that will search and not she that will search.

Does that mean you are still searching?
 No! We are not searching because we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Sexual harassment has been described as one of the evils of Nollywood. Have you been a victim before?
 No! We have not been sexually harassed before.

Finally, give us a peep into your backgrounds.
 Our background! Ok, we are from Enugu State, precisely from Nkanu Local Government Area. Graduates of Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu. I read Business Administration and Management and my sister read Mass Communication.
I served in Osun State, Osogbo precisely and won an award for the best corper and my sister served in Oyo State, Ibadan.

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