Saturday, 30 November 2013

Do You Know ? How to cure Low Libido with apple and honey ? Topic Number 7

Top 10 reasons for low libido

Low Libido means lack of sex drive, it can happen to anyone man or woman and at anytime even in young people.... So, if your erotic life has gone from an all-out sexfest to a G-rated event, you are not alone. While chronic aversion to sex is a serious issue, an occasional drop in your sex drive is perfectly normal.
The reasons for a lowered sex drive can vary from person to person. But the following will help you sort out the sources that might be taking the X out of your sex.

The work on your desk keeps piling up and your latest dot-com investment just took a nosedive. When stressful events take over, they suck the sexual energy right out of you.

You won't be feeling too sexy when your nose is running and the pile of tissues next to your bed keeps growing exponentially. Likewise, PMS may leave you temporarily uninterested in sex. But more serious illnesses such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, cancer, heart and lung disorders, and STIs may also be responsible for the drop in your sex drive. If you suspect something more serious like painful sex, painful periods, make an appointment with your medical professional.

Many prescription and over-the-counter drugs can decrease your sexual appetite. Well-documented sex drive crushers include antidepressants such as Prozac and Xanax but medication for hypertension, psychotropic drugs, sedatives, opiates and even birth control pills can lessen your interest in sex or make reaching orgasm difficult.
If you've recently married, ended a relationship, changed jobs or moved, you may be mentally and physically out of sorts. Lifestyle changes are yet another form of stress, and even if they are positive ones, they can sometimes adversely affect your sex life.
While some studies have revealed that sexual responsiveness may get better with age, hormonal imbalances in perimenopausal and menopausal women lead to a diminished sex drive. Some women may experience an aversion to touch, and intercourse may be painful due to vaginal dryness caused by a drop in oestrogen.
Relationship blues
Temporary disinterest in your partner is normal. But if you're finding that the seesaw of sexual desire is grounded on the down side for an extended period of time, it could be tied to relationship issues. If there's tension or unhappiness in your relationship, it will eventually show up in your sex life.
Body image
Learning to love your body is probably one of the greatest hurdles to developing a strong sense of sexuality. If you feel uncomfortable with your physical self, you may hide your body from your partner, which can lead to a slowdown in sexual activity.
If you are depressed, sex will not be at the top of your agenda. Everyone experiences a bad day or two, but if those weeks turn into months, your depressed state will put your sexual interest on hold.
New baby
In addition to a new small person demanding your constant attention, lactation and postpartum depression (which occurs in about 10% of women) can contribute to a low libido. The lower oestrogen level in lactating women is known not only to lower the sex drive, but can dry the vaginal walls, making intercourse painful.
Drugs and alcohol
Excessive consumption of drugs and/or alcohol may increase the quantity of your sexual encounters, but in the long run it can take its toll on your sex drive. Be aware if your drop in libido seems to correlate with an increase in alcohol or drug consumption.


An apple a day:  Most people will remember their childhood days where their parents would force them to eat an apple saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". So proving that right consuming an apple with honey can work wonders for low sex drive.
Do it at home:  To prepare an apple dessert , which is considered as the most effective sex tonic, you need 5 apples, honey, 10 drops of rosewater, 1 pinch of saffron, 1 pinch of nutmeg and 1/8 teaspoon of powdered cardamom. Skin and core the apples and blend or mash them into a pulp. Add honey according to your taste, mixing thoroughly. Add the spices and rosewater and you sex tonic is ready. For best results, take ? cup of this dessert at least an hour after your meal and avoid taking milk, yoghurt and fish for about four hours before and after taking the dessert.

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