Tuesday 7 January 2014

President Mugabe of Zimbabwe reportedly collapses


President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is reportedly fighting for his life.Mugabe who is 89 years old is believed to be suffering from prostate cancer and was reported to have collapsed in the State House and bedridden.
Buba Jukwa AKA “Prophet of Truth” who is an insider from Zimbabwe’s ruling government posted the information on his Facebook page.
According to Baba Jukwa: “Great Zimbabweans, there was blabber and hissing at State House today. Charamba is still denying that the President collapsed and is struggling. This time only God can sustain Mugabe, as no Asian specialist can. Cancer is a terrible ailment and remember that his long stay away from office is the first ever such by Mugabe since he came into power in 1980. It is true Great Zimbabweans, the same doctor who told Mugabe he would not live beyond 2013 is the same he has gone on his final visit to see. Pray for your President good people, lets not hate him please.”

After Zanu-PF deputy director of information, Psychology Maziwisa, denied the report. Jukwa posted the following again:
“Great Zimbabweans you heard Charamba and Maziwisa for yourselves today just as I told you all before. But why don’t they just produce a single photograph or short video of Mugabe to prove that he never collapsed? Is it that too difficult? Great Zimbabweans don’t be fooled the flesh is now worn out and tired. Zimbabweans demand to know why CIO offices have been both quiet and busy on their feet more than ever in the past 4 days, why the rush? Why tighten security suddenly? As for me I will not stop revealing to you all our president’s condition.”
Mugabe turns 90 in February.

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